posted by Mr. Podunkian at 7:57 pm on May 11, 2010

After two weeks of work, my grappling hook platformer, STREEMERZ has been completed! The game is based on the Action 52 title of the same name (as part of the ACTION 52 OWNS project that I started), but I’ve taken many, many, many, many liberties with the game.

Download it today!

posted by Mr. Podunkian at 4:55 am on May 6, 2010

Recently, I’ve started up a game making jam on the TIGSource forums called ACTION 52 OWNS. The idea? To get 52 different indie game developers to create 52 remakes of the 52 games on the terrible NES game, Action 52. The game I chose to remake was STREEMERZ, a terrible Bionic Commando clone that has you climbing up a giant tower using your “streemer” (whatever that means). My remake takes that game, and… well… makes it own: