posted by Mr. Podunkian at 6:49 pm on July 13, 2009
After hours and hours of work, I've finally got everything more or less up and running! For those of you who've been following me and my projects -- you'll be happy to know that new information on Merry Gear Solid 2 has been posted in the Games section of the site. For everyone else, please take a look around, and enjoy your stay! Feel free to leave comments on any pages that allow you to do so, and feel free to imagine leaving comments on pages that don't. BYE.

6 Responses to “Everything’s Go!”

  1. Tright Says:

    the underside lolololol

    actually nice website

    I loved the old one

  2. Mr. Podunkian Says:

    not very many people would admit to love staring at a website not-update itself for four years.

  3. Annihilator Beta Says:

    I’m jealous. of you. and this website.

    btw cool rss feed is pretty neat OH YEAH.

  4. DalaranJ Says:

    I’m pretending I’m leaving a comment on the about page that says: “That’s it Arthur, show that stool who’s boss. Don’t give into arbitrary seating concepts!”

    Yeah, that’s a good comment.

  5. Adam Says:

    Man, I haven’t been to your site for like 5 years and now I came back looking for that AIM Block Checker tool thing you made… I’ve got to say, you’re style has become incredibly impressive over the years! I’m glad you put your games up for download as well; I always wanted to try your games when you mentioned them long ago.

  6. Naughty Kid Says:

    Santa Claus?! SaaaantaaClaaauuuus!

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