For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been helping fellow developer, Dustin Gunn (creator of Sombreros) wrap up his decade old project, Mayhem Triple, by getting my freaky deaky on and putting together this epic 14-track soundtrack.
It was no easy task scoring a game that’s ostensibly about bunny invasions, dick-bots, Illuminati, and time travel, but considering the always-bordering-on-the-edge-of-complete-tastelessness of the source material, I felt I had a free pass to be pretty IDGAF-y about it. That, in addition to the stupidly fast pace I was pooping these songs out, manifested itself in some of the most high energy, abrasive music I’ve ever written. Expect lots and lots of Orchestral Hit.
My main source of inspiration this time around was the game EDF 2017 (a game, unsurprisingly, about giant alien insects invading earth), mixed with some of the spaghetti western sound of my previous work with Sombreros. I also did a lot of experimentation with electronic beep-boops this time around (though admittedly, I’m not brave enough to venture outside of the built-in presets), which you’ll hear in a lot of the later tracks that take place in the Technodrome-like bunny mothership.
Anyways, hit the “more” link below for browser streamable versions of each of the tracks, or click here to download the entire soundtrack in a single, nice package.